Tuesday 18 October 2011

Creating a Concave User Interface

This post is part of series of posts to help developers develop great user interfaces.  

One way to take your FireMonkey HD application into the the 3rd dimension is to make a concave user interface. This interface simply consists of several TLayer3Ds, arranged in a concave fashion. Each TLayer3D simply is the parent of a form on a different unit. Its that simple!

Well, not quite. You need this bit of code.


This function takes in an X,Y position of your concave user interface, along with other important info, and returns the position, width, and height of your TLayer3D!  All you need to do is fill your 3D interface with TLayer3D components, and call this function to set the positions!

For more great articles, check out LearnDelphi.com!
To convert your VCL/VGScene applications to FireMonkey, check out the FREE MonkeyGroomer tool!
Check out more information about 3D and Delphi at the Embarcadero Developer Portal
Follow me during my CodeRaging!

Monday 17 October 2011

CodeRage 6 is ON!

I am proud to announce that CodeRage 6 is going on right now!  Here is how you can follow it!

And, be sure to watch my session tomorrow at 12:00 PDT, "FireMonkey FireStarter!"  See you there!

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Announcement: MonkeyGroomer 0.1 Public Release!

I am proud to announce the public release of MonkeyGroomer 0.1!

Download Now for FREE!

MonkeyGroomer is a simple application that aims to help convert your Delphi projects to FireMonkey projects. Currently only VGScene is supported. It also supports VGScene style files.

  • MonkeyGroomer supports over 100 VGScene classes and components
  • In this release, components not supported in the selected project will halt the conversion. (with a helpful message)
  • In the final release, you will have the option of removing unsupported components.
  • Currently the VCL conversion converts specific properties for any component. In a future release the engine will be more discriminatory.
  • Most VGScene components have been tested. 

  • A wizard is planned, to make the conversion process simple and painless!
  • Most of the work was done on the form parser and conversion engine. Once support for VCL is complete this engine will be adapted to support other delphi platforms and components in the future, using Lua4Delphi! (donate now!)
Special thanks to Simon J Stuart!

For inquiries, please contact me at thestamp@gmail.com

Quoted from: http://tgr.ph/cjQUr2

MonkeyGroomer - Roadmap

The feedback from MonkeyGroomer has been tremendous! That, paired with the announcement of MonkeyGroomer having plans for LUA support, this aims to be a very important release for the Delphi community! Not only will you be able to migrate your VCL and VGScene applications, you will be able to script and convert your own custom components!  So, whats the plan?

This week:
  • Release MonkeyGroomer with Full VGScene support (stable) for public use for free!
  • Release an alpha version with limited VCL support, to test the VCL conversion engine.
Over the next month:
  • Release continual updates with additional VCL and other common controls
  • Set up a community for developers to discuss and share experiences on migrating their projects.
And when that's done:
  • Add Lua4Delphi support
  • Set up a community for developers to share and discuss migrating custom and third party components.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at thestamp@gmail.com, or follow me on twitter: @PascalCoder

Friday 7 October 2011

Join me at my CodeRage Session: FireMonkey FireStarter

That's right! I will be doing a talk on some FireMonkey essential topics, named "FireMonkey FireStarter!"

Click here to register now!

Its my first time talking at CodeRage (or any event for that matter), so enjoy me stumbling around the virtual stage, making a fool of myself! I'll be in the official IRC chat as well (url and channel TBA), so we can chat as the session happens! It'll be a great time, see you there!