Update: MonkeyGroomer 0.1 has been released! Download here!
MonkeyGroomer is a simple application that converts your Delphi VGScene or VCL form files to FireMonkey form files. It will also support VGScene style files.
The upcoming release of MonkeyGroomer Alpha will have support for an incredible amount of components, both for VGScene, VGScene styles, and VCL.
- MonkeyGroomer supports over 100 VGScene and VCL components
- In this release, components not supported in the selected project will halt the conversion. (with a helpful message)
- In the final release, you will have the option of removing unsupported components.
- The final release will be available as a wizard to simplify migration.
- Currently the VCL conversion converts specific properties for any component. In a future release the engine will be more discriminatory.
For more information, contact me at thestamp@gmail.com.
Action Shots
VCL Converted to FireMonkey |
Supported Components (so far)
(preliminary list)
- TLabel,
- TStringBox,
- TEdit,
- TMemo,
- TButton
(final list)
- TvgBackground,
- TvgBitmapAnimation,
- TvgBitmapListAnimation,
- TvgColorAnimation,
- TvgColorKeyAnimation,
- TvgFloatKeyAnimation,
- TvgGradientAnimation,
- TvgButton,
- TvgStringListBox,
- TvgFloatAnimation,
- TvgTreeViewItem,
- TvgTextBoxClearBtn,
- TvgTextBox,
- TvgMemo,
- TvgCalendarTextBox,
- TvgComboTextBox,
- TvgPath,
- TvgImage,
- TvgShadowEffect,
- TvgInnerGlowEffect,
- TvgGlowEffect,
- TvgAngleButton, (now TArcDial)
- TvgTabItem,
- TvgRadioButton,
- TvgListBoxItem,
- TvgCheckBox,
- TvgCalendarBox,
- TvgBevelEffect,
- TvgGroupBox,
- TvgPopupBox,
- TvgBlurEffect,
- TvgCornerButton,
- TvgReflectionEffect,
- TvgSpeedButton,
- TvgDropTarget,
- TvgImageViewer,
- TvgGrid,
- TvgStringGrid,
- TvgGridLayout,
- TvgArc,
- TvgCalloutRectangle,
- TvgCircle,
- TvgEllipse,
- TvgLine,
- TvgPaintBox,
- TvgPie,
- TvgRectangle,
- TvgRoundRect,
- TvgText,
- TvgComboTrackBar,
- TvgNumberBox,
- TvgSpinBox,
- TvgStatusBar,
- TvgToolBar,
- TvgTreeView,
- TvgSizeGrip,
- TvgFramedVertScrollBox,
- TvgPlotGrid,
- TvgCalendar,
- TvgSelection,
- TvgSelectionPoint,
- TvgGridLayout,
- TvgLayout,
- TvgScaledLayout,
- TvgAniIndicator,
- TvgCalloutPanel,
- TvgExpander,
- TvgFramedScrollBox,
- TvgImageControl,
- TvgLabel,
- TvgPanel,
- TvgProgressBar,
- TvgScrollBar,
- TvgScrollBox,
- TvgSmallScrollBar,
- TvgSplitter,
- TvgTabControl,
- TvgLayout,
- TvgTrackBar,
- TvgVertScrollBox,
- TvgAlphaTrackBar,
- TvgBWTrackBar,
- TvgColorBox,
- TvgColorPanel,
- TvgColorPicker,
- TvgColorQuad,
- TvgComboColorBox,
- TvgGradientEdit,
- TvgHueTrackBar,
- TvgTrack,
- TvgBrushObject,
- TvgBitmapObject,
- TvgPathObject,
- TvgListBox,
- TvgThumb